Bidfly App
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The BIDFLY app allows airline crew members access to view their participating airline's bid sheet information and set up trip trades. The app is essentially a mobile, on-demand, posting board for trip trading! App users create their personal profiles, including a picture, and contact information. Airline crew members post their schedules and identify the trips that they would like to trade or drop for the month, including detailed comments regarding each trip if they wish. Crew members can likewise search for trips to include in their schedules. A crew member can select search criteria including the equipment, position, date range, and layover cities, along with flight sequence numbers that they are interested in or would like to trade/drop. App users can highlight bid sheet selections for quick reference. Trips can be bookmarked and search criteria can be saved, named, and edited for current and future use. When a crew member is ready to make bids on the next months schedule, BIDFLY will save time by displaying the app user's named searches, as well as highlighted bid selections. BIDFLY alerts can be set up to notify crew members of trips based on each member's trip criteria. BIDFLY will send a crew member a text message notification along with profile information when an app user's search criteria is met, and another app user has posted a matching trip to trade or drop. Likewise, BIDFLY will notify crew members who wish to trade or drop a trip, when another app user has searched for a trip with matching criteria. Now with BIDFLY, airline crew members can reach into their pockets and use their iPhone to make their bids; no more need to wait for a convenient time and place to get the schedule they want!Testimonial
My Name is Dalvin J. Dardiz, I am the owner of the App called BidFly for Pilots and Flight Attendants. I would like to say how wonderful it was working with Spencer and his team and found it to be a great experience. I brought the idea to the table and his team helped me structure the app in a way in which would lead to a more successful app. They did this by building great wire-frames and art and features that would make my app the best it could be. I also went to visit them and they had a very nice space, were professional and paid attention to my app and me along the way. I would highly recommend their app services and products. I am very satisfied with the attention to detail and dedication that they put into my project. Thank you very much to the awesome team that Spencer has. Dalvin J. Dardiz
By Dalvin J. Dardiz, of BidFly App