After a few drinks, even simple tasks like texting, become tough. Hammered, built by our iphone app development team allows users to set up important contact numbers while sober, from a wingman to a cab. Then after they've had a few, help is just a button away. This bar-themed app is perfect for the party animal in us all.
Using a cell phone turns into a agility test after a few beers. All those tiny buttons and confusing navigation are just too much for a soused brain. That's why the fun-loving clients behind Hammered wanted to create a clever app that spoke to the challenges of just trying to send a simple "Need a wing man!" or "Booty call!" text after you have thrown back a few. Before setting out on a night at the bar, just use Hammered to pre-set a specific contact for each of the categories and lock them down. When you're ready to fire off a text message, no more stumbling through an iPhone keyboard, just tap cap with the message you want to send and a pre-written menu of text messages pop up for you to choose from. If it's so bad you don't even remember how to get home, the SOS button even puts your address up on the screen so you can show it to a cabbie. This app is the cure for drunk texting and the boost you need to still seem suave even if you're sloshed.