Property Management Caddi (PMC) is dedicated to servicing all property managers, facility managers, service managers, and maintenance staff that handle every type of property asset except residential. PMC provides on site reporting of issues that pertain to your property including Electrical, Lighting, Signage and many more. PMC allows the user to create multiple reports that include information such as property name, comments, location, contact information, and best of all it allows pictures to be included in each report. Multiple reports can be made for one property or various properties and each one can have separate information.
PM Caddi is easy to use with three simple steps:
•First, identify a property, office or specific site
•Second, take a photograph of the issue or affected area
•Three, describe the problem or request and submit for either a quote or a repair
PMC eliminates the need to record an issue, bring the information back to the office and then have to email your vendor. PMC allows you to snap pictures, notate, and email all of your needs while still on property. PMC is your gateway to streamlining your needs with your vendors.
PM Caddi was designed by Environmental Lighting Service, LLC, an electrical contractor who specializes in Electrical, Lighting, and Signs. PM Caddi can also be used to identify and report any type of facility service or maintenance concern from a simple carpet cleaning, lighting or sign outages, safety issues, porter issue, and landscaping to name a few. Once reported Environmental Lighting Service, LLC will provide direct quotes or repairs for Electrical, Lighting, and Signs. Quote or repairs for all other types of facility service and maintenance requests can be supplied through a network of pre-screened and approved service and maintenance providers.